Seeing life through a lens.

Hey everyone!

My name is Brianna. I love taking photos of family, friends, animals, concerts, and just about anything else. Below you'll find some things I've been happy to experience through my lens. Enjoy! :)

Friday, June 27, 2008

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys 'R' Us kid"

Growing up is something we all must do at one point in our lives.

I think back to when I was younger and thinking of how I wanted to be older so badly. I just wanted the time to fly and become an adult instantly.

Now looking back at that, I don't get why. ha!

When you're younger you don't have to worry about much. You're so carefree and everything is routine and basically laid out for you, and time goes by so much slower.

When you're older, you have to make up your own routine. You have to juggle your friends, family, prayer life/faith and work. It all gets a little overwhelming when you sit back and think about all you do as an adult. Oh yeah, and time flies faster than you would like. I work Monday-Friday, 9-5 (forget about the time flying fast here.), and let me tell you, even if you're just sitting at a desk for that amount of time, it can become very boring, very quickly and you become quite sleepy. That right there makes you just want to be a kid again. Forget about nap time. ;)

I enjoy the outcome of course, that source of income that comes every two weeks, but then you factor in all of your expenses and you think, "Well, so much for that.". When you grow up and you have to do "grown up" things you realize everything your parents got so stressed out about when you were a kid. It makes you appreciate everything that much more.

Now being 20 I don't fully understand everything it means to be an adult, but I'm well on my way to that chapter in my life. I think about things more, I appreciate times with my friends and family and I can fully appreciate my faith.

People go through changes as they grow up, you move on from certain habits and people and it hits you hard at first, but then you think, well there must be a reason. God never gives you anything you can't handle and if you lose a piece of you that you believe you will never be able to live without, there will be people there to fill that empty space back in no time. He places people in and out of your life for a reason.

I'm thankful for the people God has put in my life.

This may seem like a complaining blog, but I didn't mean for that. Those of you who are older will realize what I'm getting at and it'll make sense.

Don't worry, I'm glad to be "growing up".


Kristin said...

It is still hard for me to believe that you ARE a grown up! I remember when you were a baby!!! But yeah, the stage you are in is a big transition. You seem to have your head on straight and are focused on what you should be. Love you!

Brianna said...

I know. It's weird. :P Thanks though. Love you too!

Pete Bauer said...

Before you know it you'll be married with a kid in high school and wondering why you're looking more and more like your parents.

Brianna said...

AHH, why would you say such a thing?!? haha! :P